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Posts Tagged ‘Google’

  1. Guest Blogging for SEO is Dead Says Google Webspam Head, Matt Cutts


    January 22, 2014 by Ryan Miller

    Once upon a time, guest blogging used to be a great way to gain some exposure for individuals looking to …
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  2. Google Local Listings Revamp in Universal Results


    May 15, 2013 by Ryan Miller

    While Google has been hinting at publicly revealing a massive revamp to maps section at the upcoming I/O Conference this …
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  3. Headline Character Count for SEO: Is Gawker Media’s Nick Denton Right?


    April 12, 2013 by Ryan Miller

    Yesterday, Gawker Media owner Nick Denton sent out a memo to all staff notifying them that they must limit their …
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  4. Google’s Panda Algorithm Evolves and Penguin Update Planned for 2013


    March 14, 2013 by Ryan Miller

    During SMX West this week, Google and their head of the webspam team Matt Cutts announced several changes to their …
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  5. Authorship Confirmed as Influence on Search Rankings by Google’s Schmidt


    February 6, 2013 by Ryan Miller

    The idea of tying content published online to a verified author and applying a trust factor to that author’s expertise …
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  6. Increase Personal Branding Search Visibility through Social Media


    July 27, 2012 by Ryan Miller

    For anyone online that is investing time in creating content, generating ideas in their field of expertise, or is involved …
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  7. External Links as a SEO Algorithm Signal aren’t Going Anywhere


    July 6, 2012 by Ryan Miller

    Social media, and by that we are really talking about Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and a few niche sites that serve …
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  8. Using the Contextual Targeting Tool for Content Ideas


    July 2, 2012 by Ryan Miller

    In my latest blog post for Advance Digital I walk through the new Contextual Targeting Tool from Google, which uses …
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  9. Rel=Author for WordPress Setup in Less Than a Minute


    June 29, 2012 by Ryan Miller

    Part of the fun I’m quickly finding for this blog is getting to start from scratch with a bevy of …
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